
T-Learning is an elearning services company based in the Liverpool, UK supporting teaching and learning to schools across the world. Taecanet delivers personalised learning for teachers and students accessible at school or at home. More info can be found at www.taecanet.com

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Taecanet @ NAHT - Continuing To Share Best Practice in Education

I am very pleased to announce that the NAHT Conference 2008 was a great success for Taecanet. The Echo Arena was a stunning venue for this event, and proved to be a great draw, with around 600 school leaders in attendance. The complimentary wine was welcomed by all on the Friday night following the opening, but there was still serious business to attend to over the Bank Holiday weekend. As a local company, it was great to see some local schools visit the stand (pictured above), and we have made some very useful contacts for the future.

Every person who visited the stand was entitled to a free guest account, which will be sent out imminently. You can also apply for an account via our website at www.taecanet.com so please feel free to have a go and see how other schools are benefiting! We are helping to improve results and positively impact the use of cross-curricular ICT in hundreds of schools across the country. To get an insight into how schools are benefiting from using Taecanet Springboard, please visit http://www.taecanet.com/casestudies.htm where you can choose from a range of Primary, Secondary and SEN related case studies.

Many thanks to Michael O'Hanlon from St Francis Xavier School in Liverpool, who was on-hand to show interested parties how students use the service, which was a great help. He also managed to rub shoulders with Dame Kelly Holmes, double Olympic Gold medalist who was speaking at the event! See above picture.

I'm sure Dame Kelly would approve of the projects which Taecanet have initiated in her field. As we have done with many other subjects across the curriculum, we are working to share best practice in P.E. by pooling excellent teachers' contributions from a number of schools. I certainly hope we can spur on some stars of the future as well. For more info on this project or on Taecanet in general, please visit our website or email enquiries@taecanet.com

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